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AI (Artificial Intelligence) : Machine Learning and AI

Information for faculty on the use of [generative] AI in higher education.


Machine learning is the branch of artificial intelligence (AI) concerned with creating systems that can automatically improve their ability to perform tasks such as classifying images, interpreting text, or finding patterns in data." (from Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology)

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is, "the use of computers to model the behavioral aspects of human reasoning and learning." (from The Columbia Encyclopedia)

"Artificial Intelligence" -- Topic fact sheet from National Institutes of Health 

Advancements in AI have led to generative AI. Generative AI is, "a subfield of artificial intelligence in which computer algorithms are used to generate outputs that resemble human-created content, be it text, images, graphics, music, computer code or otherwise." (from TechRepublic)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) vs. Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) vs. Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are often used interchangeably, but machine learning is a subset of the broader category of AI.

Put in context, artificial intelligence refers to the general ability of computers to emulate human thought and perform tasks in real-world environments, while machine learning refers to the technologies and algorithms that enable systems to identify patterns, make decisions, and improve themselves through experience and data. 

Computer programmers and software developers enable computers to analyze data and solve problems — essentially, they create artificial intelligence systems — by applying tools such as:

  • machine learning
  • deep learning
  • neural networks
  • computer vision
  • natural language processing

Ethics and AI

AI Incident/Harm Database
"The AI Incident Database is dedicated to indexing the collective history of harms or near harms realized in the real world by the deployment of artificial intelligence systems. Like similar databases in aviation and computer security, the AI Incident Database aims to learn from experience so we can prevent or mitigate bad outcomes."

Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights (from The White House)

Machine learning and AI (from PBS)