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Cat 2: Research task on renewable energy in a particular Australian location: Renewable Vs Non Renewable

Renewable Vs Non Renewable

Australian energy facts

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A pile of black coloured coal is being shifted by a large machine, called a bucket wheel excavator. A series of buckets are attached to a central wheel on the machine

Coal pile at port terminal New South Wales. Source: Michelle Cooper

Non-renewable resources cannot be replaced at a rate that is sustainable. Fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas  and coal are examples of non-renewable resources and they cannot be replaced as quickly as they are being used. The reason they are called fossil fuels is because they take billions of years to form naturally, from the remains of ancient plants and animals. In contrast, resources that are referred to as renewable energy sources can be  used again and again, without depletion, or can be replenished in a short time frame (e.g. timber can be harvested and then more trees replanted). The wind, sun (solar) and waves are all sources of renewable energy.

Australia has an abundance of renewable and non-renewable energy sources including fossil fuels. Our energy resources power our homes, cars and industry, and are a key contributor to Australia's economic prosperity. The demand for energy is increasing as Australia's economy and population grow.

Non-renewable energy resources

Australia's energy needs are still mostly met by fossil fuels. Australia's coal resources are used to generate  three-quarters of domestic electricity; natural gas is found in many homes and  is increasingly used in industry; and Australia's transport system is heavily dependent on oil, some of which is imported.

Non-renewable energy resources found and extracted in Australia include:


Uranium and thorium

Renewable energy resources

Australia's renewable resources are widely distributed across the country, and although their use is increasing, they still only account for a relatively small proportion of Australia's primary energy consumption and electricity generation. Hydro energy  resources were developed early in Australia and are currently the largest renewable source of electricity. Hydro energy is derived from water within areas of high rainfall and elevation (mostly in New South Wales and Tasmania). The wind and  solar energy industries are growing rapidly, with wind and solar farms becoming  more common. There has also been significant investment in research and development aimed at increasing the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of wind and solar power,  including the development of solar thermal power stations.

In addition, Australia has geothermal, wave and tidal resources. Geothermal energy in Australia is in the form of buried, high-heat producing rocks. Australia has a world-class wave energy resource along  its western and southern coastline, especially in Tasmania and the best tidal resources are located in the north of the country, especially along the northwest coast of Western Australia. Bioenergy is another significant potential energy resource. Organic  matter (e.g. landfill or sugar cane waste) can be used to generate electricity and  heat, as well as for the production of liquid fuels (biofuels) for transport.


Renewable Vs Non Renewable
